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Early valve surgery should be scheduled when there is [[heart failure]] due to the valve dysfunction, left sided infective endocarditis due to staphylococcus aureus, fungal or highly resistant organisms, or a heart block, annular or aortic [[abscess]] or destructive lesions.  Other indications include persistent [[bacteremia]] or [[fever]] 5 to 7 following the initiation of the antibiotics, relapse of the infection depsite a complete course of antibiotics in [[prosthetic valve]] endocarditis when no portal of infection can be identified, recurrent emboli and persistent vegetations despite [[antibiotic therapy]], and mobile vegetations with a length more than 10 mm in native valve endocarditis.
Early valve surgery should be scheduled when there is [[heart failure]] due to the valve dysfunction, left sided infective endocarditis due to ''[[Staphylococcus aureus]]'', fungal or highly resistant organisms, or a [[heart block]], annular or aortic [[abscess]] or destructive lesions.  Other indications include persistent [[bacteremia]] or [[fever]] 5 to 7 following the initiation of the [[antibiotic]]s, relapse of the infection depsite a complete course of antibiotics in [[prosthetic valve]] endocarditis when no portal of infection can be identified, recurrent emboli and persistent vegetations despite [[antibiotic therapy]], and mobile vegetations with a length more than 10 mm in native valve endocarditis.


Revision as of 14:08, 28 September 2015

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Differentiating Infective Endocarditis from other Diseases

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2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease

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to Hospitals Treating Endocarditis surgical indications

Risk calculators and risk factors for Endocarditis surgical indications

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editors-in-Chief: Cafer Zorkun, M.D., Ph.D. [2]


Early valve surgery should be scheduled when there is heart failure due to the valve dysfunction, left sided infective endocarditis due to Staphylococcus aureus, fungal or highly resistant organisms, or a heart block, annular or aortic abscess or destructive lesions. Other indications include persistent bacteremia or fever 5 to 7 following the initiation of the antibiotics, relapse of the infection depsite a complete course of antibiotics in prosthetic valve endocarditis when no portal of infection can be identified, recurrent emboli and persistent vegetations despite antibiotic therapy, and mobile vegetations with a length more than 10 mm in native valve endocarditis.


Indications for surgical debridement of vegetations and infected perivalvular tissue, with valve replacement or repair as needed are listed below:[1]

  1. Moderate to severe congestive heart failure due to valve dysfunction
  2. Unstable valve prosthesis
  3. Uncontrolled infection for > 1–3 week despite maximal antimicrobial therapy
  4. Persistent bacteremia
  5. Fungal endocarditis
  6. Relapse after optimal therapy in a prosthetic valve
  7. Vegetation in Situ
  8. Prosthetic valve endocarditis with perivalvular invasion
  9. Endocarditis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or other gram-negative bacilli that has not responded after 7–10 days of maximal antimicrobial therapy
  10. Perivalvular extension of infection and abscess formation
  11. Staphylococcal infection of prosthesis
  12. Persistent fever (culture negative)
  13. Large vegetation (>10 mm is associated with an increased risk of embolism)
  14. Relapse after optimal therapy in a native valve
  15. Vegetations that obstruct the valve orifice
  16. Onset of AV block

2008 and Incorporated 2006 ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Valvular Heart Disease (DO NOT EDIT) [2]

Indications for Surgery for Native Valve Endocarditis (DO NOT EDIT) [2]

Class I
"1. Surgery of the native valve is indicated in patients with acute infective endocarditis who present with valve stenosis or regurgitation resulting in heart failure. (Level of Evidence: B)"
"2. Surgery of the native valve is indicated in patients with acute infective endocarditis who present with AR or MR with hemodynamic evidence of elevated LV end-diastolic or left atrial pressures (e.g., premature closure of MV with AR, rapid decelerating MR signal by continuous-wave Doppler (v-wave cutoff sign), or moderate or severe pulmonary hypertension). (Level of Evidence: B)"
"3. Surgery of the native valve is indicated in patients with infective endocarditis caused by fungal or other highly resistant organisms. (Level of Evidence: B)"
"4. Surgery of the native valve is indicated in patients with infective endocarditis complicated by heart block, annular or aortic abscess, or destructive penetrating lesions (e.g., sinus of Valsalva to right atrium, right ventricle, or left atrium fistula; mitral leaflet perforation with aortic valve endocarditis; or infection in annulus fibrosa). (Level of Evidence: B)"
Class IIa
"1. Surgery of the native valve is reasonable in patients with infective endocarditis who present with recurrent emboli and persistent vegetations despite appropriate antibiotic therapy. (Level of Evidence: C)"
Class IIb
"1. Surgery of the native valve may be considered in patients with infective endocarditis who present with mobile vegetations in excess of 10 mm with or without emboli. (Level of Evidence: C)"

Indications for Surgery for Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis (DO NOT EDIT) [2]

Class I
"1. Consultation with a cardiac surgeon is indicated for patients with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve. (Level of Evidence: C)"
"2. Surgery is indicated for patients with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve who present with heart failure. (Level of Evidence: B)"
"3. Surgery is indicated for patients with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve who present with dehiscence evidenced by cine fluoroscopy or echocardiography. (Level of Evidence: B)"
"4. Surgery is indicated for patients with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve who present with evidence of increasing obstruction or worsening regurgitation. (Level of Evidence: C)"
"5. Surgery is indicated for patients with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve who present with complications (e.g., abscess formation). (Level of Evidence: C)"
Class III
"1. Routine surgery is not indicated for patients with uncomplicated infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve caused by first infection with a sensitive organism. (Level of Evidence: C)"
Class IIa
"1. Surgery is reasonable for patients with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve who present with evidence of persistent bacteremia or recurrent emboli despite appropriate antibiotic treatment. (Level of Evidence: C)"
"2. Surgery is reasonable for patients with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic valve who present with relapsing infection. (Level of Evidence: C)"


  • 2008 Focused Update Incorporated Into the ACC/AHA 2006 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease [2]


  1. Baddour Larry M., Wilson Walter R., Bayer Arnold S., Fowler Vance G. Jr, Bolger Ann F., Levison Matthew E., Ferrieri Patricia, Gerber Michael A., Tani Lloyd Y., Gewitz Michael H., Tong David C., Steckelberg James M., Baltimore Robert S., Shulman Stanford T., Burns Jane C., Falace Donald A., Newburger Jane W., Pallasch Thomas J., Takahashi Masato, Taubert Kathryn A. (2005). "Infective Endocarditis: Diagnosis, Antimicrobial Therapy, and Management of Complications: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, and the Councils on Clinical Cardiology, Stroke, and Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, American Heart Association-Executive Summary: Endorsed by the Infectious Diseases Society of America". Circulation. 111 (23): 3167–84. PMID 15956145.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Bonow RO, Carabello BA, Chatterjee K; et al. (2008). "2008 Focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 1998 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease): endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons". Circulation. 118 (15): e523–661. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.190748. PMID 18820172. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)

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