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The human male torso

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Torso is an anatomical term for the central part of the many animal bodies (including that of the human) from which extend the neck and limbs. It is sometimes referred to as the trunk. The torso includes the thorax and abdomen.


Major organs

Most critical organs are housed within the torso. In the upper chest, the heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage, and the abdomen contains the majority of organs responsible for digestion: the liver, which respectively produces bile necessary for digestion; the large and small intestines, which extract nutrients from food; the anus, from which fecal wastes are excreted; the rectum, which stores feces; the gallbladder, which stores and concentrates bile and produces chyme; the ureters, which passes urine to the bladder; the bladder, which stores urine; and the urethra, which excretes urine and passes sperm through the seminal vesicles. Finally, the pelvic region houses both the male and female reproductive organs.

Major muscle groups

The torso also harbours many of the main muscle groups of the body, including the:


The organs and muscles etc. are innervated by various nerves, mainly originating from thoracic vertebral segments. For instance, the cutaneous innervation is provided by:

See also

Template:Human anatomical features Template:Spine Template:Joints of torso Template:Muscles of trunk

Template:Lung Template:Arteries of thorax and abdomen Template:Veins Template:Lumbosacral plexus Template:Spinal cord Template:Lymphatics of torso Template:Digestive tract Template:Digestive glands Template:Torso general

Template:WikiDoc Sources

af:Torso ar:جذع (تشريح) ca:Tronc (anatomia) da:Torso de:Torso eo:Torso it:Tronco (anatomia) he:טורסו ku:Laşqolik nl:Romp (anatomie) no:Torso simple:Torso sr:Торзо sv:Torso