Sandbox/WCT 1

Revision as of 20:04, 10 April 2014 by Amr Marawan (talk | contribs)
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Identify cardinal findings that increase the pretest probability of wide complex tachycardia
QRS complex > 120 ms
Heart rate > 150 beats/min

Does the patient have any of the following findings that require urgent cardioversion?

❑ Hemodynamic instability

Cold extremities
Peripheral cyanosis
Altered mental status

Chest discomfort suggestive of ischemia

Decompensated heart failure
Prepare the patient for immediate cardioversion and simultaneously do the following:
❑ Maintain patent airway; assist breathing as necessary
❑ Adminster oxygen (if the patient is hypoxemic)
❑ Cardiac monitor to identify rhythm; monitor blood pressure and oximetry
❑ Give IV sedation if the patient is conscious (don't delay cardioversion to sedate the patient)
❑ Consider expert consultation
Unsynchronized cardioversion
❑ If a patient has polymorphic VT and is unstable, treat the rhythm as VF and deliver high-energy unsynchronized shocks
❑ Provide an initial shock of 200 Joules
❑ Increase the dose if no response to the first shock (eg, 300 J, 360 J, 360 J)
Synchronized cardioversion
Atrial fibrillation with aberrancy
❑ Provide an initial dose of biphasic cardioversion of 120-200 Joules (Class IIa, level of evidence A)
❑ If the initial shock fails, increase the dose in a stepwise fashion
Arial flutter and other SVTs with aberrancy
❑ Provide an initial dose of biphasic cardioversion of 50-100 Joules (Class IIa, level of evidence B)
❑ If the initial shock fails, increase the dose in a stepwise fashion
❑ If monophasic wave form is used, begin at 200 Joules and increase in stepwise fashion if not successful
Monomorphic VT (regular form and rate)
❑ Provide an initial dose of biphasic cardioversion of 100 Joules (Class IIb, level of evidence C)
❑ If the initial shock fails, increase the dose in a stepwise fashion

Characterize the symptoms:

Chest discomfort
Cardiac arrest
Characterize the timing of the symptoms:
❑ Onset

❑ First episode
❑ Recurrent

❑ Duration
❑ Frequency
❑ Termination of the episode

❑ Spontaneous
❑ Medication use
❑ Not terminated

Examine the patient:
❑ Pulse

❑ Rate
❑ Rhythm
❑ Regular
❑ Irregular
❑ Strength
❑ Weak
❑ Alternating in strength (atrial fibrillation with aberrancy)



Blood pressure

Hypotension (in hemodynamically unstable patients)
❑ Marked fluctuation of blood pressure (suggestive of AV dissociation in VT)


❑ Canon A waves on examining the jugular venous pressure of the neck (suggestive of AV dissociation in VT)

Cardiovascular examination
❑ Auscultation

Heart sounds
❑ Rapid regular or irregular beats
❑ Murmurs (suggestive of valvular diseases)
❑ Variability in the occurrence and the intensity of heart sounds especially S1 (suggestive of AV dissociation in VT)

❑ Inspection

❑ Midsternal incision (sugestive of previous cardiothoracic surgery)

❑ Palpation

❑ Pace maker or ICD are usually palpapable on the left pectoral area
Order labs and tests:
❑ Order and monitor the ECG

Perform urgent cardioversion in unstable patients
❑ Chest x ray

❑ Cardiomegaly (suggestive of heart disease)
❑ Pace maker and ICD appear in the x ray

❑ Invasive electrophysiological studies


❑ Plasma concentration of drugs (eg,digoxin, quinidine or procainamide