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List of terms related to Phagophobia

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Phagophobia is a psychogenic dysphagia, a fear of swallowing.[1] It is expressed in various swallowing complaints without any apparent physical reason detectable by physical inspection and laboratory analyses. An obseolete term for this phobia is choking phobia,[2] but it was suggested that the latter term is confusing and it is necessary to distinguish the fear of swallowing (i.e., of the propulsion of bolus) from fear of choking (fear of aspiration).[1]

Phagophobia is classified as a specific phobia and according to DSM-IV classification it belongs to the category of "other phobias". Phagophobia may lead to (and be confused with) fear of eating, and the subsequent malnutrition and weight loss. In milder cases a phagophobe eats only soft and liquid foods.[3]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Shapiro J, Franko DL, Gagne A. Phagophobia: a form of psychogenic dysphagia. A new entity. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1997; 106: 286-290.
  2. McNally RJ. Choking phobia: a review of the literature. Compr Psychiatry 1994; 35: 83-89.
  3. Müzeyyen Çiyiltepe, Tümer Türkbay, Phagophobia: a case report, The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 2006, Volume 48, Number 1, Page(s) 080-084
  • Klinger RL, Strang JP. Psychiatric aspects of swallowing disorders. Psychosomatics 1987; 28: 572-576.


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