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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Ordinal/doc

This template will add the appropriate ordinal suffix to a given integer.
Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at
Module:Ordinal/sandbox and testing at Module:Ordinal/sandbox/testcases and
Module talk:Ordinal/sandbox/testcases.

local p = {}

local yesno     = require('Module:Yesno') -- boolean value interpretation

This function converts an integer value into a numeral followed by ordinal indicator.
The output string might contain HTML tags.
{{#invoke:Ordinal|ordinal}} - uses the caller's parameters
    1: Any number or string.
    2: Set to "d" if the module should display "d" instead of "nd" and "rd".
    sup: Set to yes/no to toggle superscript ordinal suffix.
function p.ordinal(frame)
	local args = frame.args
    if args[1] == nil then
        args = frame:getParent().args
    if args[1] == nil then
    	args[1] = "{{{1}}}"
    return p._ordinal(args[1], (args[2] == 'd'), yesno(args.sup))

function p._ordinal(n, d, sup)
	local x = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(n, "(%d*)%W*$"))
	local suffix = "th"
	-- If tonumber(n) worked:
	if x then
		local mod10 = math.abs(x) % 10
		local mod100 = math.abs(x) % 100
		if     mod10 == 1 and mod100 ~= 11 then
			suffix = "st"
		elseif mod10 == 2 and mod100 ~= 12 then
			if d then suffix = "d" else suffix = "nd" end
		elseif mod10 == 3 and mod100 ~= 13 then
			if d then suffix = "d" else suffix = "rd" end
	if sup then
		suffix = "<sup>" .. suffix .. "</sup>"
	return n .. suffix

return p