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First Initial Rapid Evaluation of Suspected Aortic Dissection

Shown below is an algorithm for the First Initial Rapid Evaluation (FIRE) of Aortic dissection.

Confirmed aortic dissection
❑ Check whether dissection occurred in ascending aorta
Consider surgical management
❑ Start Medical management
❑ Check Vitals
❑ Blood pressure in both arms
❑ Take the highest reading for treatment or goal therapy
❑ Is patient hemodynamically stable ?
❑ Control rate and pressure
❑ I.V Beta blockers or labetalol
❑ Substitute diltiazem and verapamil
If betablockers are contraindicated

❑ Goal Heart rate should be 60 beats per minute

❑ Pain control

❑ Use Opiates
Type A dissection

❑ Expedited surgical consultation and consider surgery (Urgent)
❑ Maintain Euvolemic status

❑ Intravenous fluid replacement
❑ Maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 70 mm of hg

❑ Rule out complications using imaging study

Pericardial tamponade
Rupture of aorta
Aortic insufficiency
❑ Type B dissection

❑ Intravenous fluid replacement

❑ Maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 70 mm of hg

❑ Start vasopressor if still hypotensive

❑ Find out etiology of hypertension

❑ Imaging to find out contained rupture
❑ Perform Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) to assess cardiac function

❑ Consider surgical evaluation
❑ Can the cause of hypotension respond to surgical management
❑ Monitor vitals closely
❑ Maintain systolic BP <120 mm of Hg
Consider surgical management
❑ Check whether dissection involves ascending aorta
❑ Control blood pressure
❑ Intravenous vasodilator
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❑ Identify cardinal signs and symptoms that increase the pretest probability of acute aortic rupture
❑ Sudden onset chest pain (tearing/ripping/sharp or stabbing)

❑ Asymmetric blood pressure in extremities
❑ Shock
❑ Pulse deficit

❑ Evolving aortic regurgitation murmur
Unstable patient
Stable patient
❑ Order urgent TTE
❑ Look for the following high risk features:
❑ Pericardial effusion
❑ Regional wall motion abnormality (RWMA)
❑ Dilated root
❑ Aortic regurgitation (AR)
Continue with diagnostic approach
❑ Aortic dissection confirmed

❑ Transfer to Cardio-thoracic unit

❑ Perform TEE in CCU or cardiac OR
❑ Proceed to surgery

Look for the following: Intimal flap and tear
Intimal entry
Mobile linear flap in short axis view
Small central true lumen communicating with false lumen