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Suspected aortic dissection
Look for the following cardinal signs & symptoms:Sudden onset chest pain (tearing/ripping/sharp or stabbing)
Asymmetric blood pressure in extremities
Pulse deficit
Evolving aortic regurgitation murmur
Unstable patient
Stable patient
Order urgent TTE
Look for the following high risk features:
Pericardial effusion
Regional wall motion abnormality (RWMA)
Dilated root
Aortic regurgitation (AR)
Continue with diagnostic approach
Aortic dissection confirmed
Transfer to Cardio-thoracic unit
Perform TEE in CCU or cardiac OR
Proceed to surgery

Look for the following: Intimal flap and tear
Intimal entry
Mobile linear flap in short axis view
Small central true lumen communicating with false lumen