Atrioventricular block electrocardiogram

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Atrioventricular block Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Atrioventricular block from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors

Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


EKG Examples

Chest X Ray


Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Atrioventricular block electrocardiogram On the Web

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FDA on Atrioventricular block electrocardiogram

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Blogs on Atrioventricular block electrocardiogram

Directions to Hospitals Treating Atrioventricular block

Risk calculators and risk factors for Atrioventricular block electrocardiogram

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Atrioventricular Block Electrocardiogram

First degree AV block EKG Examples

Shown below is an EKG image showing sinus rhythm with a prolonged PR interval (>200ms.) which is first degree A/V block. There is also a left axis deviation (axis between -30 and -90 degrees) with r waves in the inferior leads. This axis deviation is consistent with a left anterior fasicular block.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,

Second degree AV block EKG Examples

Mobitz I Second degree AV block EKG Examples

Shown below is an EKG image of ventriculophasic reflex during second degree AV block Mobitz I. The PP interval that follow upon the blocked sinus beat is prolonged.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,

Shown below are two rhythm strips showing Mobitz I A/V block with a gradual increase in the PR interval before the dropped p wave. Note the 2:1 block in the lower strip, and that one can not use this to determine if the block is Mobitz I or II as more than one conducted P wave is required to do this.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,

Mobitz II Second degree AV block EKG Examples

Shown below is an EKG image of two-to-one AV block, which can represent benign block within the AV node or disease of the His-Purkinje system. Certain electrocardiographic features and maneuvers can help in distinguishing where the location of block exists. A long PR interval with a narrow QRS suggests an intranodal block. A short PR interval with intraventricular conduction delay or bundle branch block suggests disease below the node. Responses to atropine, exercise and carotid sinus massage can be helpful in diagnosis. Atropine will improve AV nodal conduction but will worsen block within diseased His-Purkinje fibers. Exercise has a similar effect, improving conduction in cases where block exists only in the node, but worsening when block is subnodal. Alternatively, Carotid Sinus Massage will slow conduction when block occurs in the AV node, but will improve conduction in diseased His-Purkinje tissue by allowing for refractoriness to recover.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,

Third degree AV block EKG Examples

Shown below is an EKG image of third degree AV block. AV dissociation is present: there is no relation between p-waves and the (nodal) QRS complexes.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,


Copyleft images obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,


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