Hereditary spherocytosis overview

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Hereditary spherocytosis Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Hereditary spherocytosis from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Study of Choice

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


Chest X Ray



Echocardiography or Ultrasound

Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Hereditary spherocytosis overview On the Web

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FDA on Hereditary spherocytosis overview

CDC on Hereditary spherocytosis overview

Hereditary spherocytosis overview in the news

Blogs on Hereditary spherocytosis overview

Directions to Hospitals Treating Hereditary spherocytosis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Hereditary spherocytosis overview

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Hereditary spherocytosis is a genetically-transmitted form of spherocytosis, an auto-hemolytic anemia characterized by the production of red blood cells that are sphere-shaped rather than donut-shaped, and therefore more prone to hemolysis.

Historical Perspective

  • Towards the end of the nineteenth century Vanlair and Masius described the case of a young woman who developed icterus, recurrent attacks of left upper quadrant abdominal pain and splenomegaly shortly after giving birth. The stools were not light coloured, but rather deeply pigmented. The patient's mother and sister were also icteric, and the sister's spleenwas enlarged.


  • Hereditary Spherocytosis classified on basis of underlying defect in protein and also on the basis of severity of hemolysis.


There is intrinsic defects in erythrocyte membrane proteins that result in RBC cytoskeleton instability. Loss of erythrocyte surface area leads to the spherical shape of RBCs (spherocytes), which are culled rapidly from the circulation by the spleen. Hemolysis mainly confined to the spleen and, therefore, is extravascular. Splenomegaly commonly develops.

The following four abnormalities in RBC membrane proteins have been identified in HS:


Differentiating Hereditary spherocytosis overview from Other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

  • HS is seen in all populations but appears to be especially common in people of northern European ancestry.
  • In the United States, the incidence of the disorder is approximately one case in 5000 people.
    • In northern European, HS affects as many as 1 in 2000 to 1 in 5000 (prevalence, approximately 0.02 to 0.05 percent).

Risk Factors

  • The risk factors for this condition have not yet been properly identified.
  • However, having a family member with this condition can increase your susceptibility to this disease. The condition is also most common in individuals of North European origin although it has been found to arise in people of all races.


  • It is also important to test newborns of affected parents for HS, as affected newborns may have severe hyperbilirubinemia and anemia. This may be done by a clinician with expertise in hemolytic anemias or by a genetic counselor. It is possible for an individual with no hemolysis, no spherocytes on the blood smear, and a normal reticulocyte count to be a carrier of HS, which may be relevant in certain families.

Natural History, Complications, and Prognosis

Natural History

  • Disease severity and age of presentationHS can present at any age and with any severity, with case reports describing a range of presentations, from hydrops fetalis in utero through diagnosis in the ninth decade of life.


Common complications of hemolysis include neonatal jaundice, splenomegaly, and pigment gallstones.

  • Neonatal jaundiceHS may present in the neonatal period with jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia, and the serum bilirubin level may not peak until several days after birth. Some experts have proposed that HS is underdiagnosed as a cause of neonatal jaundice. A requirement for phototherapy and/or exchange transfusion during this period is common.
  • SplenomegalySplenomegaly is rare in neonates, but can often be seen in older children and adults with HS. Early reports of family studies found palpable spleens in over three-fourths of affected members, but this may reflect a skewed population with the most severe disease. In these studies, the relationship between disease severity and splenic size was not linear.
  • Pigment gallstones — Pigment (bilirubin) gallstones are common in individuals with HS and may be the presenting finding in adults. Gallstones are unlikely before the age of 10 years but are seen in as many as half of adults, especially those with more severe hemolysis. Gallstones appear to be more common in individuals with Gilbert syndrome.



Diagnostic Criteria

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings

Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy




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