Tuberous sclerosis (patient information)

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Tuberous sclerosis


What are the symptoms?

What are the causes?

Who is at highest risk?

When to seek urgent medical care?


Treatment options


Where to find medical care for Tuberous sclerosis?

What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?

Possible complications


Tuberous sclerosis On the Web

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

Images of Tuberous sclerosis

Videos on Tuberous sclerosis

FDA on Tuberous sclerosis

CDC on Tuberous sclerosis

Tuberous sclerosis in the news

Blogs on Tuberous sclerosis

Directions to Hospitals Treating Tuberous sclerosis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Tuberous sclerosis

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Raviteja Guddeti, M.B.B.S. [2]


Tuberous sclerosis is a group of two genetic disorders that affect the skin, brain/nervous system, kidneys, and heart, and cause tumors to grow. The diseases are named after a tuber- or root-shaped growth in the brain.

What are the symptoms of Tuberous sclerosis ?

Skin symptoms include:

  • Areas of the skin that are white (due to decreased pigment) and have either an ash leaf or confetti appearance
  • Red patches on the face containing many blood vessels (adenoma sebaceum)
  • Raised patches of skin with an orange-peel texture (shagreen spots), often on the back

Brain symptoms include:

Other symptoms:

  • Pitted tooth enamel
  • Rough growths under or around the fingernails and toenails
  • Rubbery noncancerous tumors on or around the tongue

The symptoms of tuberous sclerosis vary from person to person. Some people have normal intelligence and no seizures. Others have intellectual disabilities or difficult-to-control seizures.

What causes Tuberous sclerosis ?